Tag Archives: Annual General Meeting

Living Streets Edinburgh Annual General Meeting 18 February 2019

You are cordially invited to attend our Annual General Meeting at the Living Streets  Scotland office at 5 Rose Street, Edinburgh, on Monday 18th February at 18.00.

The agenda is as follows:

  1. Introductions / apologies
  2. Minutes of last AGM.
  3. Convenor’s Report.
  4. Treasurer’s Report.
  5. Nomination of formal post-holders ( Convenor and Treasurer ).
  6. Nomination of other Committee Members.
  7. Presentation by Stuart Hay, Director of Living Streets Scotland on the bigger Scottish                  picture and Edinburgh’s distinctive role.
  8. Discussion: 2019 campaigns / getting involved with Living Streets Edinburgh.
  9. AOB.

The meeting will finish by 20.00 at the latest. We look forward to seeing you on the 18th.