Action Areas

As a newly reconstituted local group, we’re developing our activities gradually, in response to city and national-level initiatives and concerns raised by local residents.

Improved road crossings 

A recent success – a ‘green man’ crossing of Clermiston Rd in North-West Edinburgh!  Read more about this here.

A local resident contacted us recently about Holyrood Park, and the difficulties faced by people on foot.  We’ve captured some of those issues here and we’re developing a more sustained campaign as well.

Our members have been central in drawing attention to the problematic timings for pedestrians at junctions, especially on Princes St.  We continue to press the council for improvements.

Bus stops & other street furniture

Our members are preparing a dossier on new bus stops in Edinburgh.

Submissions to consultations:

We also respond, as appropriate, to relevant consultations at the local and national level:

  • George St redesign
  • 20mph
  • Pavement parking
  • Evening and Weekend Parking in Edinburgh