At several places along both Home Street and Lochrin Place, the pavement surface is in poor condition. This results in trip hazards and difficulties for elderly and disabled people. Examples of this are in Home Street (East) outside Greggs, the Kings Pantry and Omega Travel (Figure 1) and on Lochrin Place (North side). As part of the cycle way project, defective footways should be repaired or replaced to an adequate standard.
It was noted that some sections of the footway on Lochrin Place (North side) retain vestiges of old kerbs, presumably remnants from former vennels (Figure 2). These should be retained, in order to maintain some elements of the historic streetscape.
There are a number of uneven manhole covers which should be made flush with the footway surface to eliminate trip hazards and provide a better surface for everyone, especially those using wheelchairs or buggies. These include Home Street East at Cuckoo’s Nest and William Hill; Home Street West at the Hospice of Hope; and the south side of Lochrin Place.
There is a blocked drain outside William Hill leading to ponding at the pedestrian crossing.