Living Streets Edinburgh Group wishes to object to this application on the grounds of excessive provision of car parking.
126 car paring spaces for 89 flats is excessive. The Design and Access Statement is at pains to point out that the development lies next to The Walk, providing the ready availability of public transport, walking and cycling options; this means that car use can, and should, be reduced.
The Council’s Local Transport Strategy 2014 states: “Through the development control process, the council will encourage the development of car-free housing, or housing with an emphasis on low car ownership and high membership of city car clubs” (Park 26) CEC has also recently set out new parking guidelines in the proposed Design Guide.
We welcome the provision of housing on this brownfield site, as dense urban housing is the most sustainable for of development. But would be irresponsible and contrary to the Council’s own policies if car parking and use were not constrained in this case.