The Edinburgh chapter recently made representation to the CEC planning department in respect to comments on the planning application for new student housing at Yeaman Place and in proximity to the Union canal.
The representation was supportive of the development in principle, given the net benefit to pedestrian access in the area, as well as increasing personal security for vulnerable users of the canal towpath. We would however, like to see this access being formalised and that waymarking signage should be applied given that the access might not be obvious or intuitive.
The application could improve and crucially, the developers have indicated that they cannot provide direct ramped access between Yeaman Place and the canal. The access will only be stepped, which will be a significant disadvantage to those with additional mobility needs. In our representation, we asked that the CEC planners interrogate the engineering constraints outlined by the developers as to why they could not provide ramped access.
Finally, our representation also acknowledged that the development does not provide parking provision, which is welcomed so that it does not “bake in” car-dependency, but we have asked that the CEC planners be considerate of the impact that drop-off/pick-up could have on the pavement and cycle lane on Dundee Street.
If there’s a planning matter which you’d like to bring to our attention in your local area, then why not touch base with us to see how we can help you. Please contact