Tag Archives: AGM

Draft Minute of Living Streets Edinburgh Group Annual General Meeting 2024

Quaker Meeting House, 6.00pm, May 16.
Present: Hilda Sim, David Hunter (Convenor), Isobel Leckie (Treasurer), Mark Boggis, Mark
Jacunski, Mike Birch, John Russell, Roger Colkett, Lauren McDougall, Lawrence Marshall,
Rachael Revesz.

  1. Apology received from Paul Smith
  2. The draft minute of LSEG AGM 2022 was approved. There were no matters arising.
  3. Isobel Leckie (Treasurer) noted that financial activity this year was minimal. The bank
    account balance with Bank of Scotland is £815.36.
  4. David Hunter (Convener) briefly summarised his report on LSEGs! activity since then,
    highlighting successes such as the group’s influence on Edinburgh’s approach to the
    pavement parking ban. He noted that there would be no external speaker at this AGM as the
    focus was on discussing how the Group should best organise going forward (see 6 below).
  5. Rachael Revesz reported on the review of communications which students at Edinburgh
    Napier University had conducted recently. This included a number of matters which LSEG
    should consider in its future activity. Thanks were recorded to Rachael and the students.
  6. The meeting then discussed how LSEG should organise most effectively over the next
    year. Points included:
    • develop neighbourhood networks and/or social media accounts so that activists can
    connect locally;
    • ask Community Councils what the issues are in their area (Roger to speak to
    Association of Comm Councils about LSEG’S work);
    • target newsletter for skimmable content, linked to topics eg National Walking Day
    • develop more/other social media, eg encourage (and reward?) students to develop
    • consider engagement tactics like sharing how many poor footway surfaces;
    • LSEG focus on top priorities. rathe than responding to council etc requests;
    • LSEG to organise regular informal group meetings (maybe with speakers)
    • identify a new convenor for next year.
  7. David and Isobel were reappointed as Convener and Treasurer respectively.
    The meeting ended at 7.30pm.

LSE Annual General Meeting – 6.00pm, Thursday 16 May 2024

Friends Meeting House, Victoria Terrace

The LSE Annual report can be downloaded here – LSE Annual Report 2024


  • Introductions / apologies
  • Minutes of last AGM, 14 November 2022.
  • Treasurer’s report (Isobel Leckie)
  • Convenor’s report (David Hunter)
  • Communications with supporters (Rachael Revesz)
  • Discussion: our priorities and how to achieve them*
  • Agreement of lead roles (Convener and Treasurer etc.)
  • AOB.

Finish: 7.15pm

  • Note: this will be the main item. After discussion, we will decide what
    officer positions (Convener, Treasurer, committee members etc) we